The mother poses for pregnancy photos, and then the photographer tells her to turn around!

One of the most important things a person can do is to start a family.

Jazzy and Rich were expecting their second child together and were hoping for another opportunity to raise a child.

Jazzy’s estimated due date was approaching, but the couple decided to take some beautiful pregnancy photos before the big day.

They hoped to keep the photos as a memory of a happy time in their lives to show to future generations.

But the photo shoot didn’t go as Jazzy had imagined…

Jazzy had chosen a beautiful pink dress to wear for the photo shoot.

Her daughter Reign, who wasn’t much older than her, was wearing the same dress.

Jazzy had also put on makeup before the photo shoot.

Before the shoot, Jazzy and Rich were nervous.

They feared that the incessant rain could ruin everything.

But on the day of the shoot, the clouds cleared, and the sun was shining.

The trio headed to the chosen location, with a beautiful waterfall behind them.

Just another photo shoot?

At that moment, Jazzy thought she was only participating in the photo shoot they had planned for months.

She had no idea that Rich had something else in mind…

The photographer started with the usual family portraits of the couple and their little daughter.

Then, suddenly, the photographer stopped and asked Jazzy to wait a moment before continuing with the next shot.

Rich, who had been behind her the whole time, took a small velvet box from his pocket. At that moment, he got down on one knee.

You can see Jazzy’s reaction in the video below.

Tissues are probably a good idea… It’s definitely a touching story!

Wow, it really caught me by surprise!

Please consider SHARING this touching gesture with your friends and relatives on Facebook!

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