An agricultural worker was walking through a field and discovered a hole in the ground that he wanted to explore, revealing it to be an Ice Age cave!

Adam Bryczek is a Polish farmer who one day decided to take a walk on his property.

Unaware of anything negative, he noticed a hole in the ground where he thought an animal might have settled, determined to become the farmer’s neighbor.

The man accidentally fell into the hole, which transported him „back in time“ to around 8000 B.C.

When he fell into the hole, the farmer noticed that the tunnel branched out in various directions, and there were doubts that the hole was the home of some kind of animal.

It was quite spacious: the passage was about 10 meters long, about 10 meters high, and extended up to 140 meters.

Adam realized he was in a cave.

The man found it surprising and reported it to the inspector for the protection of monuments in the Krassnicki district.

The archaeologist suggested that the cave could belong to the Pleistocene era.

Based on subsequent examinations, it was discovered that the cave had formed naturally with the participation of nature, and the vertical surfaces were extraordinarily flat.

Archaeologists confirmed that the discovery was over 11,000 years old.

The cave walls suggested that they had been visited by people who had mined stones there.

There were traces of tool processing from the era on multiple levels.

Despite the information about the cave being made public, it was decided not to declassify the location of the discovery because, according to those interested in history, excessive attention could damage this unique monument.

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