A man shows how he lives in a tiny house of 10’x10′, built for only $1,500, to be completely sustainable.

99% of his house is made from recycled or used materials.

Choosing an alternative lifestyle requires a lot of courage and determination.

In a materialistic world, some people don’t understand why others choose to live off the grid and simply want to live within their means.

Rob Greenfield is an environmentalist and eco-activist who wanted to show people that we can live more by owning less.

His tiny 10×10-foot house in a backyard in Orlando, Florida, doesn’t have much inside.

Let’s take a tour of his small house, where he has everything he needs and allows him to be one with nature. And the best part? It only cost him $1,500 to build this house.

You might wonder what made his house so affordable.

The answer is these three words: recycle, reuse, and repurpose.

He obtained wood and flooring from his neighbors and nearby structures that wanted to get rid of them.

Seeing that they were still in good condition, he bought them at a low price.

His windows, door, and other furniture come from thrift stores, as well as his chair, which cost only $15!

What’s Inside
In such a small house, you might wonder what’s inside.

Rob has only a few things, and this 10×10 house is perfect for his lifestyle.

In his house, there are two shelves with his clothes, toiletries, and hygiene items.

But most of the shelf space is filled with food.

There are baskets with fresh fruit, jars of honey, and some ferments that have become his staple food.

He built a raised bed to have more storage space underneath. Then, he uses a folding mattress that can be both his bed and sofa.

Finally, he has a deep freezer to store some long-lasting foods. He puts them in ziplock bags so that he has supplies when needed.

Rob’s only supply is electricity; the rest comes from nature.

He uses an extension cord that goes to his neighbor’s house and pays only $10 per month.

He doesn’t have air conditioning or heating, so he has to deal with the elements on his own.

His windows give him cool breezes in the summer, and he survives the brief winter.

He uses rainwater for washing, bathing, and drinking. Additionally, he has a biodigester where he throws food waste and turns it into methane that he uses for cooking.

Of course, he still needs to use propane since he can only produce small amounts of methane.

And if you’re looking for a bathroom, he has a very ecological one.

He has two toilets for „number 1“ and „number 2“ – and they are disposed of separately.

The „number one“ toilet flushes into his garden, while „number two“ goes into a bucket. He covers it with sawdust, puts it in a compost called Humanure, and uses it as fertilizer after a year.

Rob grows his own food and found a way to do it on a larger scale by seeking out empty yards where he can be of service to the owner.

He found someone in Orlando who always wanted to grow their own food. So, he offered to plant various vegetables and plants in their yard and take care of them every day.

This way, he provides food not only for himself but also for others.

Take a look at his tiny house, which cost only $1,500!

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