My mother kicked me out of the house after my father’s death, but years later, I returned to seek revenge.

After the death of his father, his mother expelled him from the house at the age of 23.

Fortunately, his father left him his entire fortune, and the young man sought vengeance.

A 23-year-old Reddit user revealed how his relationship with his mother deteriorated when his father died when he was 15.

His mother quickly moved on to another person and made him feel like a stranger in his own home, struggling for his mother’s affection.

In the end, his mother asked him to leave the house, leading to tensions between them.

This mistake haunted the mother for years.

„My mother (45) didn’t wait long to ’start over‘ and had her new partner move in just 2 months later,“ the man revealed in the Reddit forum, narrating his revenge story.

He claimed to have received all his money after his father’s death.

His mother persuaded him to transfer one of the properties as proof of accepting the new man into his mother’s life.

But this was impossible because his father had sealed the will.

This prevented the young man from accessing his fortune until he turned 21.

Everything that happened after his father’s death was frustrating and had consequences on the mother-son bond.

Since the new man also had two children, an 18-year-old son and a 19-year-old daughter, the young man often felt neglected and overlooked by his mother in favor of them.

To appease him, his mother excessively favored the children of her partner, according to the young man.

Instead of inviting her son, the 45-year-old mother advised him to visit his grandparents.

Despite the mother’s best efforts, the son and his friend were often in conflict.

It reached a point where he decided to kick him out at the age of 17.

The young man had pointed out to his mother’s friend that he was not the man of the house, and tensions had become too great for the mother.

The young man moved in with his grandparents, who encouraged him to avoid conflicts with his mother’s lover.

Even though the mother had made the difficult decision to send her son away, she still loved him and visited him regularly at his grandparents‘.

„She visited me often and told me how much she loved me,“ he explained, but she had to „maintain peace at home.“

Despite his mother’s efforts to rationalize her decision to kick him out, the young man was always aware that, thanks to his fortune, he had the upper hand.

So, after receiving his fortune, he began planning his revenge.

After completing his studies, the man gradually started examining his properties, including the house where his mother lived.

He planned to renovate it and rent it out, with the proceeds contributing to his master’s studies.

The son went home to inform his mother of his decision, but no one was there.

It turned out the family was on vacation.

He tried to contact them but received no response, so he acted on his own and changed the locks of the house.

A day after legally taking possession of his property, his mother arrived.

She reproached him and asked why he had done such a thing.

Her partner was also angry but refused to change his mind, even after learning that the man’s daughter was pregnant.

The son gave the family two weeks to leave, and now his mother’s family shames him for kicking his mother out.

For this reason, he asked his Reddit followers if it was wrong to change the locks of his house without his mother’s consent.

Commenters expressed their opinions.

They believe that the father wanted his son to have everything, so critics found it justified that he reclaimed the house because his father wanted him to live comfortably.

Another person thought that what he did was a worthy decision, after his mother betrayed him first, prioritizing her new lover and his children.

Although the son’s decision was painful, online users thought that abandoning his mother so soon after his father’s death was inappropriate.

An online user believed that his mother had started dating the man before her husband died.

Due to his actions, many people thought the young man was generous, giving them two weeks‘ time.

„I would have given them two days!“ said another online user.

Facebook commentators were mostly angry with his mother for allowing a man to damage her relationship with her son.

„Any mother who prioritizes a man and his children over her own doesn’t deserve respect,“ said an online user.

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