The wishlist of a young child for his adoptive parents is heartbreaking

A little angel from Oklahoma was mistreated by his biological parents and placed for adoption.

When he went to his adoptive parents, he gave them a letter that will make them cry…

Child abuse occurs when a parent or guardian, either through action or omission, inflicts injury, death, emotional harm, or the risk of serious harm to a child.

There are many forms of child abuse, including neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, exploitation, and emotional abuse.

DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is an official non-profit organization under section 501(c)3 dedicated to combating child abuse and neglect.

Their mission is to „educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims find the necessary resources for complete healing.“

Recently, the organization shared a letter from one of the children who was mistreated by his two strong alcoholic parents.

It is heartbreaking to see a child who has never experienced the true love and joy of his biological parents.

All this young one has seen is abuse, neglect, and hunger. Some people are monsters…

One of the neighbors noticed that something terrible was happening in a nearby house and felt compassion for the little boy who was in the house.

They decided to alert child protective services.

When the police arrived, they brought the boy to the organization Dreamcatchers for Abused Children, which made sure that nothing so terrible would ever happen to the child.

When the organization found a perfect and suitable family for the child, I had tears in my eyes seeing what he wrote on a piece of paper.

This boy’s wish is that all he wants are normal things… here’s what he wrote:

„The things I want in my family:

I want food and water. Don’t hit me. A house with running water and light. I want love.

Mom and dad, don’t fight. I don’t want drugs. Don’t kill my pets.

Help at school. Nice, clean clothes.

No lice. No bugs in the house.

Clean house. Clean bed with blankets.

Don’t sell my toys. Treat me fairly.

Don’t get drunk. TV in the house.

Let me handle my school chores.

Nice shoes.

My own soap. Nice, safe home and warm coat.


If you are reading this now, you probably have everything this little boy wishes for.

What you should take from this: NEVER take anything for granted.

The life you have now is someone else’s wishlist.

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